05 Sep Ladies Charity League
Posted at 14:00h
in Senior Tennis
Autumn 2018
The Charity League is due to start on 1st October (Mondays) and 2nd October (Tuesdays) though dates are subject to confirmation.
Start times for all games are 10am, and there is a break for school mid-term dates.
We need to get the numbers of those interested in playing in the different sections by Monday 10th September midday.
Each team consists of 3 doubles pairs. There are 4 sections for players of different standards:
- Tuesday Advanced (Class 4/5 standard)
- Monday League (Class 6/7 standard)
- Monday Non-League standard (higher standard than Tuesday non-league)
- Tuesday Non-League (beginner to improver levels)
If you would like to play or would like more information, please e-mail loughnane.imelda@gmail.com or put your name on the notice board by 10th September 2018 giving:
- Your name and the name of your partner if you have one. We are happy to match up players who do not specify a partner.
- The section you wish to play in.
If you would like to sub in the league instead, it would be helpful if you let us know also please.